How To Register A Non-Binary Supporting Artiste Profile

Posted by Indiana - 28 Feb 2022
How To Register a Non-Binary Extras Profile :: Universal Extras

With this month marking LGBT History Month, we thought we’d take the opportunity to offer a refresher on how to register a non-binary profile on the UVE database.

Do bear in mind that, for the purposes of castings and costumes, we will still need to ask you for your measurements, but when it comes to how you identify and are comfortable to present on screen, this is something that we’ve made sure you have full control over.

If you are a non-binary Artiste looking to register with us for the first time, or an existing UVE Artiste that wishes to amend how you identify on your profile, here’s how you can do just that…

If You’re Registering for the First Time:

When signing up via our UVE app, select gender Non-Binary and click the dropdown to select the measurement style you feel is most appropriate for your body shape. 

Please note: this alludes only to the type of measurements you’re comfortable giving and would like to factor into the castings that we are able to put you forward for – not your gender itself. 


For example, selecting ‘Male’ at this stage of your application form will mean that, moving forwards, we won’t ask you for measurements such as bra size, under bust and dress size, but instead chest measurements, trouser waist, collar and the like. 

In most cases, our client productions will give us roles with male or female costume sizes and measurements, so please keep this in mind and select the measurements for the roles you would like to be put forward for.

If You’re an Existing UVE Artiste:

For those with existing profiles on the database that need updating, you can follow our simple, 2-step process:

STEP 1: Pick Up That Phone

Call 0345 0090 344 any time between the hours of 0900-1700, Monday to Friday, and press option ‘1’ to jump directly through to Artiste Support. This will connect you with a team member who will be able to help you get your profile quickly amended.

STEP 2: Quote the Reference ‘Emerald’

Once connected, simply quote the reference word ‘Emerald’ and your advisor will get you patched through to a designated artiste support team member. 

There, they will ask you for your pronouns and endeavour to pull up your profile and make the necessary amendments. After this, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have (or simply leave it there). 

Non-binary Artistes will also find that there are no gender restrictions when it comes to applying for roles via the job’s board, however other criteria (age, size, ethnicity, skillsets etc.) will still apply.

We care about your representation and it’s important to us that your Supporting Artiste profile does what it can to best represent you (and not the other way around!) In fact, if you have any thoughts on how UVE can improve with regards to inclusivity, we would love to hear from you.

Please do tell us your thoughts on the non-binary experience with UVE by dropping us a line on